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St Mary’s Church, Nantwich | Nantwich | Inglaterra | Reino Unido

St Mary’s Church, Nantwich

Atracción | Nantwich | Inglaterra | Reino Unido

La iglesia de Santa María en Nantwich, Cheshire, es una iglesia parroquial anglicana y se considera una de las iglesias medievales más bellas de Inglaterra. Debido a su impresionante arquitectura, a menudo se la llama la "catedral de Cheshire del sur".


La iglesia data del siglo XIV y fue construida en estilo gótico. En el siglo XIX, fue restaurada por Sir George Gilbert Scott para preservar su belleza original.


El edificio está hecho de piedra arenisca roja y tiene la forma de una cruz. Cuenta con una nave de cuatro tramos con naves laterales norte y sur, un pórtico sur de dos pisos, una torre central y transeptos norte y sur. La torre es cuadrada en la parte inferior y se convierte en una forma octogonal hacia arriba.


En el interior, la iglesia impresiona con una bóveda de crucería de piedra en el coro, adornada con casi 70 claves de bóveda talladas del siglo XIV. Sobre los misericordios se encuentran doseletes de madera tallada con arcos triples, considerados como inigualables en la talla de madera medieval inglesa. Los misericordios del siglo XV temprano y medio muestran diversas tallas, incluidas representaciones de San Jorge y el dragón, así como la Virgen María con un unicornio.

Actividades y comunidad

Santa María es una parroquia activa que ofrece una variedad de servicios religiosos, desde tradicionales hasta contemporáneos. Durante la semana, se realizan numerosas actividades para niños, jóvenes y adultos. La iglesia también es un lugar popular para conciertos y otros eventos culturales.

Una visita a la iglesia de Santa María no solo ofrece una visión de la rica historia y arquitectura de la región, sino también la oportunidad de participar en las diversas actividades de una comunidad vibrante.
St Mary’s Church, Nantwich Nantwich

Datos de contacto



The Rectory, Church Ln
CW5 5RQ Nantwich

Vista de mapa


Domingo7:45 - 12:30
17:45 - 19:00
Lunes9:30 - 16:00
Martes9:30 - 16:00
Miércoles9:30 - 16:00
Jueves9:30 - 16:00
Viernes9:30 - 16:00
Sábado9:30 - 16:00


389 Reseñas

Tony Schuck

A very good visit indeed. Spoke to a very informative guide Mr Protheroe who has volunteered there for 30 years. A mine if information. Could have listened to him.all day.
Alan Thompson

Worship and events to meet the spiritual needs of most people.
angelo m

Chiesa in stile gotico molto bella . Vetrate con luce favolose.
Ann Parry

Nativity for all really good as usual
Sandra Abwooli

Beautiful church
Linda Haddock

Absolutely lovely church, so well kept, lovely Christmas Tree event.
Mike Moore

Please come to see the christmas trees and suport St Lukes
Jennifer Tennant

What a wonderful Church, never visited Nantwich before so came across this medieval Church which is currently having work completed on the side so decided to pop in. Beautiful does not describe this enough. So peaceful and quiet, help inside if needed. Atmosphere is heavenly and whilst inside the sun shone through the beautiful stained glass right onto the alter. The carving was exquisite and if you like needlework then you must also go and see as every kneeling cushion has been embroidered with love and amazing detail. Please visit and give a small donation to help support the work on this church. Outside there is protected area of lawn which only adds to the love you feel when visiting.
David David

Très belle église, bien entretenue et on y retrouve également des coussins fait à la main 😍 La personne sur place était très gentille !
Ana Green

Building commenced in 1280 and was completed in 1390. (Interruption due to the Black Death of 1349 – 1369). It is probable that there was an earlier Chapel on the site connected with Combermere Abbey. Constructed from red sandstone on a cruciform plan with an octagonal tower standing just over 100 ft high astride the Crossing and containing a ring of eight bells. The South Porch was added in the late 15th or early 16th centuries, and in the 1570s the nave roof was raised and clerestory windows inserted. The transept ceilings were also renewed.

When in Nantwich, this is a must see, such a beautiful church, the stained glass windows are outstanding, check out the Dedicated one to the Farmers Wife.
Rob Hunter

Just a completely standard church
Anna Smithers

It's one of the most beautiful churches I have seen. Definitely worth a visit. Every time I'm passing it by, it feels like being in a fairy tale. Definitely highly recommend.
Ian Mason

Came to attend a funeral
Amber Jet

Great place for a gig.
szeherezada gg

Historical building, you cannot miss visiting it to admire as well inside as outside architecture and surrounding
David Thomas

A beautiful 14th century church situated on the town square in Nantwich. I went there recently to pay my respects to a friend's funeral. His name was Paul Spencer, more commonly known as Dario G. Paul had already written out his funeral, and even then, he entertained to the end, the full capacity of the church of 1500 I believe. If you are a visitor to historic Nantwich, do go and take a look around and inside this beautiful sandstone church.

St Mary's church Nantwich very nice. Didn't go inside but lovely from the outside.👌
Chad Wilkinson

Beautiful building and great community

A beautiful building in the heart of Nantwich town centre. Weather you are a religious person of not, you can't help but wonder just what skills the people who built such places had ! There would have been no power tools or lifting gear, everything was done by hand. Then when you've seen the outside, have a look around inside. There's lots of displays and information about the history of the Church and town. It would be rude to visit Nantwich and not spend some time in and around the Church.
Tanya Rogers

Lovely guide inside who pointed out different interesting quirks like the parsons nose as a bottom. Really interesting and worth for 20 minutes
Susy Rushton

Egerton String quartet
Rosalind Lea

Wonderful church, known as Cathedral of South Cheshire.
Eden (Thane of Eastmarch)

beautiful church right in the centre of the town! staff there are always very friendly and can tell you about the history.
hayley Easthope

Amazing church in the centre of town, played a part in the English civil war, Nantwich is easily accessible by rail on the transport for Wales line from Shrewsbury. A must visit if in the area.


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